Business Transcription

Business Transcription Services
Terescription provides high quality transcripts for business. Examples of business transcription services include:
- Market Research Transcription
- Focus Group Transcription
- Brainstorming Session Transcripts
- Sales Meeting Transcription
- Training Session Transcription
- Seminar Transcripts
- Board Meeting Transcription
- Business Meeting Transcripts
- Transcribe One on One Interviews
- Transcribe Speeches and Lectures
- Conference Call Transcripts
- Press Conferences Transcription
- Pod Cast Transcripts
- Work Place Interview Transcription
- Web Conference Transcripts
Encoding, transcribing and logging video files are our specialty. With our partner, Teresis Media Management, Inc, we can digitally encode and compress your footage to any of the popular video formats, such as Windows Media Video, QuickTime, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, or MPEG-4. The video can be played back by anyone with a PC and can be streamed over LANs, intranets or the Internet. We can also transcribe your audio files.
Our transcriptionists will log and transcribe your audio or video content with timecode or duration. All SMPTE time codes in our transcripts are hyperlinked to the video media, are printed with headers and page numbers, and exported to Microsoft Word.
Transcripts are 99% accurate. Select your delivery turn-around time (TAT) option of 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. Price is based TAT and on the number of characters transcribed.
Entertainment Transcription

Business Transcription

Legal & Investigation Transcription

Education Transcription